Mucogingival Therapy and Periodontal Esthetics
A Hands-on Program / April 6, 2024
The multiplicity of manners to address the discrepancies of dental gingival anatomy will be addressed. Advances in plastic surgical techniques have given us the ability to predictably regenerate lost gingival tissues. Techniques for connective tissue and free gingival grafting will be demonstrated and shown.
Regeneration of the lost periodontium is not only possible but also predictable. Techniques for augmenting gingival tissue around the teeth will be shown. The technique and indications for the free gingival graft, subepithelial connective tissue graft, and use of ADM (acellular dermal matrix) will be elucidated. In addition, the management of the edentulous ridge will be discussed. Techniques for ridge augmentation at the time of extraction and post-extraction will be demonstrated.
Participants will have the opportunity to perform gingival grafting procedures on models and pig jaws, under the tutelage of Dr Michael Sonick.
Topics to be discussed:
- Ideal gingival esthetics
- Gingival augmentation techniques for root coverage
- Subepithelial connective tissue graft
- Tunneling procedures
-Free gingival graft
-ADM (acellular dermal matrix) - Pontic designs and site development
- Papilla regeneration
- Second stage surgical procedures for dental implants
- Guided gingival growth
- Palatal approaches - Managing esthetic deformities